Tech Question - Need Help with Unacceptable Springs

Hi Mike,
I am working a 1937 Two door slant back sedan, I purchased a set of someone else's leaf springs for the rear.
I have installed them before on a 40 Ford Sedan, worked out good.
However, the ones I purchased, which are the same for a 37 have two problems:
First, they have reversed spring eyes but really do not lower the car that much.
They said to install 2" lowering blocks.
Did not like that answer, told them I wanted a low stance.
Second, the Ford 8" I have now sets back almost an inch and is no longer centered in the fender!
Their answer: make an adaptor it happens once in awhile.
Not much of an answer.
This is unacceptable, however I am stuck with them.
My question: would you be able to provide a main leaf I could use with their leaf springs?
Or any other suggestion which would take care of my problem.

Thank you,

We can make you just about any spring you need.
While a new main plate can be made to recenter the wheels it will not lower you any.
Either a new spring must be made, or the arch of the current spring must be changed in order to get you down.
We don't have the specs on anyone else's springs, so we will need to know more about the spring you have.
The easiest way to get us the information is to download our Leaf Spring Measuring Form.
Fill in the blanks and send it to us and we can quote you.

And as for the suggestion about using lowering blocks, we suggest you read our page about Lowering Blocks before you make any decisions.


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