Tech Question - Pickup Ride Quality

Hi Mike,

I have a '52 Ford Pickup. I put a monoleaf spring in the rear. Is there any way I can get my truck to ride softer?




Ford never designed or made mono leaf springs for the '52 Pickup. What you have is someone's idea of a good thing. You are experiencing one of their faults, bad ride.

Improperly designed mono leafs are inherently faulty and dangerous. See what we have written about them, Mono Leaf Spring Information.

Most aftermarket mono leaf sprigs are either designed to have an even taper, which is not necessarily the correct taper, or they are over built which results in way to strong a spring. A too strong spring not only causes a rough ride, they also can fail quicker than a correctly made spring.

My advice is to either replace the mono leaf with a correctly built multi leaf spring or buy a very large life insurance policy.


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