Tech Question - Monoleaf Springs


In a hotrod using a transverse front spring is the multi-leaf spring safer than the mono-leaf spring? (I am using 4 bar suspension)




Whenever we build anything we design and build it so it looks good, it functions well, and above all else, it is safe.

All springs have a finite life. That is, one day the spring will break. It is this day the suspension must be designed for.

A broken spring can allow a vehicle to drop enough to cause a loss of control. One must use a spring designed to reduce the amount of drop so safe steering can be maintained.

A properly designed multileaf spring will do this.

While monoleafs look sleek, compact and cool, it is what happens to your ride when it breaks that can make them unsafe to use.

I go further in-depth on Monoleaf Springs.

I hope this is helpful for you.


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