Tech Question - Monoleaf Mistake


I bought monoleafs for my truck 8 years ago, not knowing the down side of using them.

They sat around for 4 years before I put them on. They sit too low for my taste.

To make matters worse, I was sold rear monos with a 6" drop instead of 4". Now they are all on, and due finances, I am stuck with them.

I thought maybe I could add a leaf. I only plan on driving around town. Could I purchase leafs and hardware to add?



The subject of your e-mail was "Monoleaf mistake". I had hoped you meant you read my article on the dangers of mono leaf springs. However, once I read your e-mail I saw that was not the case. First thing you need to do is read what I wrote.

I'll wait...

Now that you have read my article you see that mono leaf springs are not the way to go.

Now let's compound your problem. On page 6 of Spring Tech 101, you will read near the bottom of the page all about Stepping.

Leaf stepping is one of the most important aspects of a spring design. The wrong stepping can actually harm a spring. Adding an extra leaf to a monoleaf spring would be compounding problems by altering the integrity of the spring.

I would not recommend adding the leaf. Your best alterative is to replace them with correctly made multi-leaf springs. Let me know the Year, Make and Model and I will be glad to provide you with the best pricing I can.


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