Tech Question - Lowering Coils


I have a '55 Ford Fairlane Tudor Club Sedan that needs new front coil springs. I am going with a restomod approach. Better handling with a decent ride quality.

The question I have is, can the front end be lowered by using shorter springs? Will this throw any alignment or other related issues off? A mechanic once told me that using cut or shorter springs would mess up my alignment. If using shorter springs is feasible, how much can the car be lowered using this method?

I am planning to install drop spindles with disc brakes that will already set it 2 1/2 Inches lower to start. I'm not sure how low I really want to go. I'd just like to know my options.

Thanks for your time - Andy


Any time anything is done to the front suspension the alignment should be checked. the mechanic is partially right, lowering the front will mess up the alignment, but a quick trip to the rack will bring her back where she needs to be.

Two Inches is the most you can lower her with coil springs. Any thing more, in most case, will cause suspension trouble. So if you need more than 2 Inches go with a combination of spindles and coils. - Mike

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