Tech Question - Leaning GTO


I purchased a set of new rear springs from you for my 1967 GTO and when I put them in the car leaned to the drivers side about 3/4 of an Inch.
The lean was there with the old springs but I thought the new springs would level it out.
I even switched the new springs side to side like you said to do in another tech question and it stilled leaned.
What else could be causing my car to lean?

The lean could be caused by many things, and seeing that the car was leaning before the new springs were installed and still had the lean with the new springs and still leans to the same side with the new spring swapped side to side, it would be safe to say the rear springs are not the cause.
How about the front, does it lean?
If so, jack up the low side of the front until the front is level and see what it does to the rear.
The cause could also be a twisted frame or lose/damaged body mounts.
Let me know what you find out. – Mike

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