Tech Question - Leaf Spring Length & Arch


When measuring a leaf spring, I assume that the front part and the rear part of the spring's dimensions "When following the curve"of the spring is the same for both a standard arch spring & a high arch spring.

If this is true, what happens to the rear shackle? I wouldn't think that it would reach on a high arch spring.

How about the front fixed spring mount, does it have to be moved? - Rich


I am glad to see that you know the right way to measure a leaf springs. For those of you who are unsure click here to see how it is done.

While any increase in the loaded arch of the spring does shorten the length of the spring some what, we find that the shackle will remain at an acceptable angle as long as the spring is held to a 3 Inch or less increase of loaded arch. And the wheel will remain centered in the wheel well opening also.

Because of stability concerns and the need to alter other parts of the vehicle, we limit the amount of lift we build into leaf springs to 3 Inches and 2 Inches with coil springs.

And because of reduced suspension travel and steering concerns we limit the amount of drop we build into springs to the same 3 Inch and 2 Inch limits. - Mike

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