Tech Question - Corvette Spring Pricing


Why are the springs at Eaton so much more expensive than the springs at the Corvette suppliers?
Some of those guys sell their rear leaf spring for cheap. ($154.00 for example). At Eaton they are around $225.00. What is the difference?
- 7T5

Yes our springs are more than most others and that is because we make our springs as close to orginal as possible.
The steel is the correct SAE5160, which is the highest spring steel used for springs.
Our springs are all Made In The U.S.A. The same cannot be said for many other spring suppliers
The ends of the springs are so close to orginal that the NCRS really likes them.
The liners between the leaves are just like the ones GM used.
They come unpainted so you can put the finish on them that you want.
And they fit and ride and set the car the way they came out of the factory.
Go see our web page about our Corvette leaf springs. Corvette Spring Ends
- Mike

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