Tech Question - Chromed Springs

Hello Mike,

I have a 1932 Ford high boy with an SBC engine.

It has a chrome plated front multi leaf spring.

It is less than a year old and has fatigued and dropped over an Inch.

Is this from the chrome plating or cheap steel?

The spring is mounted on a magnum 4 Inch dropped axle.

Pinched nosed 32 Ford frame with Model A cross member.

29 Inch center to center eyelets.

1 3/4 Inch wide multi leaf.

The spring will need to be replaced.

Before I buy another multi leaf, what do you suggest and what do you have?

Please reply. Thank you


While a chromed spring looks bitchin, it can be a disaster waiting to happen.

Several steps are taken during the chroming process which involve heat; and heat is a springs worst enemy.

Once the spring temperature approaches 400 degrees, the spring begins to soften.

But worse yet is a little thing called "hydrogen embrittlement".

This condition can be fatal to not only the spring but also to the vehicle's occupants.

Here, go read about it, The Pros and Cons of Chroming Springs.

The best thing to do is to replace the spring ASAP with a non-chromed one and think about painting or powder coating the new spring.

We have a few thoughts on these options, Powder Coating and Chroming Springs - Tech Question.


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