Tech Question - 48 Inch Springs


I have a 1938 Chevrolet Coupe Street rod with rear leaf springs which are 48 Inches long. Someone told me they are Dodge truck springs. And I believe them because the car rides like a truck.

Do you have a spring that would make the car ride better and also get rid of the lowering blocks? If so, what would be the price?

Thank You for your help.

- Barry


You are correct in saying your rod rides like a truck, for one of the most popular spring kits on the market for street rods does use a 48 Inch spring which is the front spring for a Dodge 4 x4 truck.

The spring used in these kits are designed completely wrong. The leaf lengths are not correct, the leaf the ends are not rolled and tapered and the leafs are too thick. Those things are fine for a truck but not good for a street rod. (click here to learn about Proper Leaf Spring Design).

By now you have guessed that we have the right spring for your ride. I could tell you all about it here, but instead go to our 48 Inch Spring Page where all the interesting things about our springs that will bolt right in place of your truck springs can be found.


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